Tuesday, September 9, 2008


...I do see no one is really checking this blog, so I may be deleting it in the near future. And it's okay. I KNOW I exist and am valued outside of blogdom. I truly do....and life is crazy busy anyway. We will see. It's all a-okay!


Aim said...

not true! I check it every week day. I'm just a girl of few words. :-)

lynn said...

Me too. I'm here! I'm interested! I've got you on a reader though so you won't see me come by unless I see a new post!

ALLY2HisHeart said...

Oh I didn't know that....thanks guys! I will try and write now and again...I check in on you, too, as I can. :)


Sooz said...

Me three! I have you on my blog list on my Blogger page, so I try to stop by when you update!

Unknown said...

Hey, I am here, Ally! I'd give it more time. I see a certain bird using the same laptop I borrowed. How cool!

Aim said...

FYI, I just gave you an award. It's over at my blog. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

Yes, definitely keep it!

Girl Rants said...


our love of birdies will forever bind us.
my best friend is my cockatiel. shhhh. bubo has NO idea hes a bird, as he often eats, naps, showers and plays with me. he loves his cage as a bedroom, but hes almost never put in it. YAY